How to open RAR (resource archive) file in Midnight Commander
Monday, January 25, 2010
If you want to be able to open rar(resource archive file not WinRAR archive file) files
with Midnight Commander.
with Midnight Commander.
# rar regex/\.[rR]([aA][rR]|[0-9][0-9])$ Open=%cd %p#urar View=%view{ascii} rar v -c- %fto
# rar regex/\.[rR]([aA][rR]|[0-9][0-9])$ Open=%cd %p#uzip View=%view{ascii} unzip -v %fin /etc/mc/mc.ext or
Rar archives has many minuses. First of them, they frequent break or corrupt. And this trouble disturbed me too some weeks ago. One program rescued me then and would cope with such problem as well - open corrupted winrar file.
Alex, not sure about the breaking, but (Win)RAR is actually more advanced over the majority of other archivers: it can accept non-English characters (dirs and files alike) without problems and also, its multi-archive management is *better*. There's also the recovery record, that can be added when packing, if you are RARing for archive and/or encryption purposes (and not so much for the space saving).
Better is to install unrar and use the default command
'apt-get install unrar'